NFT price chart
This guide explains how to use the NFT Prices component
Last updated
This guide explains how to use the NFT Prices component
Last updated
The NFT price chart is our most comprehensive tool and your window into NFT price action. You can use it as simply and stripped back as just tracking the floor price of an NFT, or as a complex and sophisticated technical analysis tool with all of the indicators.
The NFT Prices component shows historical NFT sales from OpenSea, Blur, X2Y2, LooksRare, Sudoswap, CryptoPunks, Treasure and NFTx marketplaces. The chart includes technical indicators, drawing tools and enables you to filter or highlight trades by specific traits or buyers.
Use the toolbar to select the interval for the volume and floor pricing indicators. Choose whether to focus the chart on the floor trades or whether to show all trades in the selected period.
Take a screenshot of the chart to copy, download or share
Show the drawing tools
Show the analysis panel to toggle technical indicators and sub charts
Show the settings panel to configure the chart
The settings panel has eight tabs.
This is where all your overarching chart settings are
Toggle off to hide individual trade events on the chart or focus on trend lines
Show listing events on the chart if these are available
Toggle whether to show trades in a currency native to the collection (e.g. ETH or MAGIC) or show them at their historical USD prices
Toggle whether to use a linear or logarithmic scale. Choose the linear scale for enhanced transform (zoom and pan)
Set the maximum number of intervals fetched, higher values may incur a longer load time as more data is requested. Though, if you use the default (300) on the 1h chart you are only asking to see the last 300 hours worth of data (12.5 days), which likely won’t give you the full picture. Higher values are good for nailing down into smaller movements on lower time frame charts
Bar countdown
Toggle whether to show the bar countdown timer
Current price
Toggle whether to show the current price on the chart
Enhanced export
Toggle to enable extra values in the CSV exports (venue and address fields). This feature is for pro subscribers only, and will increase chart load times
Floor calc
Toggle and change values to tweak the floor price calculation (path), through sample size and smoothing
Reset button
Resets the chart back to default settings
The analysis section contains 19 different indicators, many of which you will find are well known and standard to charting and technical analysis charts. Instead of covering all of them we will stick to the ones that are unique or pertinent to Parsec in particular.
Toggle the floor price indicator. The floor price is calculated by taking an average of the 25 most recent trades prior to the interval end
Toggle candlesticks to overlay them on the chart, you can turn off trades and the path if you want to use candles as your primary indicator with less noise
Volume profile
Toggle to see at which price levels the most volume has been traded
Key stats
Toggle to show a small bar at the bottom of the chart displaying key volume and price stats
Toggle the listings buckets. Each listing bucket shows the total number of active listings within the bucket price range
Sale images
Sub chart showing images of the most recent, lowest or highest trades within the period
Trade count
Sub chart showing the number of trades within each interval
Trade side
Sub chart showing the number of offers hit (green) and bids accepted (red) within each interval
Listing count
Sub chart showing the amount of new listings within each interval
The highlight feature enables you to highlight trades on the chart using certain parameters, as well as choose visually how those highlighted sales will appear on the chart. You can add up to 3 highlights on the chart at once.
Highlight listing purchases vs accepted bids
Top holders
Highlight buys and sells from the current top 20 holders
Highlight sales that include a certain trait
Highlight trades according to which marketplace the sale took place on
Address list
Highlight trades executed by a specific list of traders
Highlight trades executed by a single address
The filter section can be used to trim trades from the dataset and focus around a specific range, trader address or trait of the collection.
Allows you to choose from which venues sales will be displayed on the chart.
Choose the base visual settings for trades displayed on the chart, from render order to size, colour and stroke.
The timeseries subcharts allow you to plot external data sources on the price chart. Choose from NFT floor prices, NFT collection volume, active traders, NFT market volume, bid/offer ratio and Yuga dominance.
This is particularly helpful for analysing correlations. In the screenshot below you can see Yuga dominance plotted on the BAYC chart. This is the ratio of the volume of all Yuga collections against the rest of the market.
Many top projects have companion collections like Bored Apes > Mutant Apes, or Azuki > Beanz, the companion often trades like beta at a fraction of its counterpart. It can be helpful to compare the two.
Another use case is comparing the ETH to USD floor prices like below.
Toggle on and off the explorer. This will show a table and range selector on the chart for exploring top traders by volume within a given range.