Custom Table
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The Custom Table is one of the most customisable and powerful elements within parsec. It can be used in the following ways:
trade stream
token deltas
NFT holders
NFT trade stream
The Trade Stream view is similar to the Trades Stream element whereby one can see trades from a given pair over time along with some key details such as the taker address, size and side.
There are customisation options available such as:
The Contract view in the Custom Table element is a powerful view which allows for viewing arbitrary event logs from any verified contract.
For example, imagine we want to see wstETH liquidations on the crvUSD market:
We identify the correct contract, in this case the crvUSD wstETH Controller (0x100daa78fc509db39ef7d04de0c1abd299f4c6ce)
We select Contract in the Custom Table element, select the relevant chain and paste the contract address
We select the log and lookback period which we are interested in, in our case the Liquidate log over the past 30 days
Depending on the type of contract, we have various options to filter by:
We are then able to add granularity in terms of what value will be shown in each column and add additional columns:
We can add decimals, here I enter 18 in order to see the correct amount of wstETH being liquidated:
We can add resolved values whereby we map fields to new values to be displayed in the column or used with a transformer, here we can show ERC20 balances, ETH balances, NFT balances and contract calls. For example, in this case we might want to add an additional column with the resolved value showing the number of wstETH in the user's wallet address upon liquidation.
Equally, using other columns or resolved values as a source we can perform transformations in order to modify the values shown in a given column:
Finally, as shown above in the Trades Stream view, we can use the view tab in settings to change the chart title and equally we can add, remove or re-order columns.
In this case, the final chart looks something like this:
The Contract view certainly has a steeper learning curve but it is a highly extensive and customisable element once mastered!
The Token Deltas view shows us the deltas (or differences) in the token balances of a set of holders for a given token over some lookback period:
Similarly to the other views we are able to customise the table to show data for different tokens and over different lookback periods. Equally, we are able to customise which columns are shown and add resolved values and transformers to the values shown. On a final note, as with all Custom Table elements we can add, remove and re-order columns and change the title of the chart!
As you might expect, the NFT Holders view shows the holders and deltas in balances for a given NFT collection:
Similarly to the other views we are able to customise the table to show data for different NFT collections, which columns are shown and add resolved values and transformers to the values shown. As with all Custom Table elements we can add, remove and re-order columns and change the title of the chart!
The NFT Trade Stream view is equivalent to the Trade Stream view but for NFTs. In the example below we have added custom columns and resolved them to the buyers ETH in the bidding pool, ETH in their wallet, and the sellers remaining balance of the NFT.